You Are The Most Important Person In Your Life
Think about the person you hang out with the most. Do you like that person? Do you want to be that person? Are you nice to that person? Before you answer those questions too in depth let me make sure that you answered that you are the person are the person you hang out with the most. NOW answer if you like that person and if you want to be that person. Then answer the most important question, are you nice to that person?
If you take some time to really think about it, you might reflect that you aren’t the nicest to yourself, that you don’t like you and that you don’t want to be you. That breaks my heart. I’ve been there. I know the ugly battle of comparison and wanting to be something that you never will be. You will never be Blake Lively because YOU are you. You will never be Megan Fox because YOU are you. I know that this is very cliche but honey buns there is only one you. There will never be another you. You can only be great if you think you’re great. If you’re in constant conflict within yourself it will be fucking exhausting trying to come up for air and want great things to happen for yourself. Once you start believing in yourself things WILL start to change. I promise.
There Is Beauty Within Everyone
If You’re The Most Important Person Why Are You Selling Yourself Short?
If you are this amazing person that you are, why are you not living up to your standards? Why are you letting others walk all over your kindness or take you for granted? Your time is valued and having you in their life is a blessing. Right? Go where you are appreciated and loved. This is more than just relationships though.
Are you in a job where your skills and time aren't being shown? Are you at a workplace where you feel small? Where you aren’t growing or aren’t given the opportunity TO grow? First, talk to your boss and sell yourself. Tell them what you have to offer and that you will go where you are wanted. The sad truth is that your position is replaceable, so you need to find where you are truly wanted and seen rather than just a position to fill.
Find Your Tribe Wherever You Go
Another example of selling yourself short is being constantly of service to others and never servicing for yourself. I struggle with this.. oh baby do I struggle with this. I love feeling wanted by others, that I am “of use” in their life. Gosh how toxic can that be without boundaries? It’s okay to say no. If people in your life stop hanging out with you because you stopped buying everybody and their mother a round of shots when you go out then that is on them. If people in your life stop talking to you because you stop asking them how they are all the time and you never get a text asking how you are then that is on them. Stop and ask yourself if the situation you are handed is something that you really want to do, it’s an awesome feeling when you help out people you care about but make sure it isn’t consuming YOUR life. It’s okay to be selfish, it’s okay to say no and do something that will bring you joy.
Silence The Haters
It’s so easy to wish away parts of yourself that you “hate.” It’s easy to do this because it’s difficult to be confident in yourself when society tells us that we are conceited, bitchy, full of yourself, etc if we show any sign of self-fulfillment, right? Society would like to see women as small. Men are cocky if they go overboard. This is what society says. These comments are usually subconsciously made from others who are JEALOUS of one’s ability to love oneself enough and show the kind of confidence we are so fearful of experiencing. Now, there are definitely some bitchy and cocky people out there please don’t get me wrong.
What I’m trying to get at is STOP WORRYING ABOUT WHAT OTHERS THINK OF YOU. Everyone is going to have something to say. We have a right to an opinion blah blah blah. In the real, scary world people will try to knock you down because of how high you are climbing. They will knock you down so you come right down to the level they are. They will try to make you stoop to their level by writing nasty Facebook statuses, tweet about you, try to sabotage all the good in your life and a million other things. It’s hard, oh it’s hard but once you get past that point where you can rise above and let them live their negative consuming life you are going to fly. Keep flying until their comments are nothing but a motivation to be better and a reason to show kindness and greatness in everything you do.
Learn To Appreciate Every Part of You, Even The Ugly
Going back to the previous section, wanting to wish away parts of yourself. I’ve been there. Do you know how many times I’ve been told to “eat a burger” or how pretty my friends are and being the goofy friend was what I was good at? I struggled with how I looked like for SO freaking long. I went through a time where I was told I was never going to be loved for how I looked and that my thighs were huge. This is traumatizing as a Freshman high schooler. How many people know about this being told to me? About 4. Two of them being therapists. I believed this person. For so long. I was brainwashed at a young age (not family related) many things about myself that have taken years of therapy to try to undo.
I’ve come to a place of peace for how I feel about the way I look. I went through some body image insecurities where I was unhealthy eating and exercising. I wouldn’t allow myself any carbs because holy shit my thighs would blow up even more, right? God I wish I could hug that scared, struggling young Meg. I wish I could tell her to love herself then and look in that damn mirror and look at the beautiful person staring in it. I’m crying writing this because I silently struggled for so long. Today I am the healthiest and strongest person that I have ever been. And I eat WHATEVER THE HECK I WANT. Did I eat half a damn large Casey’s pizza on Thursday? Yep. Was I even insecure about it? No. Talking to me about my body is none of your business and none of your concern unless it is actually a concern. I workout 5-6 days a week and consume healthier foods. THAT is why I am fit. Not because I don’t eat. Wow that feels awesome to say.
Learn To Love The Person In The Mirror
Now, getting back to what I was saying after that little rant. I don’t know if I necessarily like the phrase “love every part of you” because I don’t love that I grind my teeth when I sleep. What I’m saying is to appreciate every part of who you are. For example… because I grind my teeth I wear a retainer at night (3-4 times a week) and in return from wearing my retainer my teeth are straighter. You can turn every “flaw” into something that has made you adapt and actually bring you good instead of just focusing on the sole “flaw.”
If everyone looked, acted, laughed, cried and ate the same, life would be one round boring place to be. You love your friends and family because there are different parts of them that you appreciate and cherish so much. Their quirks bring you joy and make you think about life differently. Don’t you think that applies to you too? You are a gift and a blessing to others. Now it’s your job to realize your presence is a present. Gosh that was so cheesy ;)
Find Your Yellow Darling <3