Don’t Let A Flakey Biscuit Consume Your Life
You know I really need to stop making food references, especially now that I’m daydreaming about biscuits and gravy after writing that title.Well, in reference to this article I am referring flakey biscuit to a person who cancels frequently on plans with no regard to your feelings (even if they are sorry for the thousandth time) and is someone you can’t fully trust that they will follow through with any set plans. I am betting there has been someone or a situation that has popped into your head when I gave that description. Whether that be presently or in the past. Hopefully this will help you weed out future flakey biscuits that you may run across.
Isn’t it sad that when that flakey biscuit makes plans you get all warm and fuzzy inside thinking “OH TODAY IS THE DAY! IT HAS TO BE THE DAY WHERE LIFE WILL BE GREAT AND WE’LL HAVE A GLORIOUS TIME.” You start fantasizing plans that haven’t even happened yet and it’s going to be great because your Raven Simone psychic abilities tell you so. Then the expected happens and the plans fall through. The cycle happens once again where you go through the feelings of feeling silly for thinking things have changed. That you should’ve known. You get angry at them. You might feel guilty for possibly dropping out on other plans to make room for this inconsistent person. You just may simply feel hopeless. I’m not telling you to lose that optimistic, wishful part of you. If you can relate to what I just said, it’s okay to be a dreamer. Dreams are what keep our soul and creativity alive. Never push those away, please. We already live in a society that tries to mold us to think, talk and go through life the same at a ridiculously young age. With that being said…Try to distinguish these wishful plans to reality. See that person for what they are willing to show you and put effort towards you instead of what you created in your mind.
“Even exceptionally powerful and passionate connections require care and attention. Chemistry might bring two people together, but it is quiet, consistent, everyday effort that makes a relationship truly remarkable”
The potential of this person or fantasized situation will stay locked with the key thrown away in a muddy abandoned creek. This is because for one you have to see that person for who they are. Idolizing potential and unfair expectations also isn’t fair to them. And two, if that person doesn’t want to change or be open to the thought of increasing their efforts in you or themselves then it will never work out for how you want it or how you exactly dreamt about. Unmet and uncommunicated expectations is the #1 silent killer to relationships. Remember that. We can’t create our special person in a build a bear workshop. Believe me if it could be done, I would’ve been the first person in line.
You’re The Carnival Prize To Someone
Honey I’m about to be preaching to myself when I say this. Realize that you deserve consistency from someone that is meant to be in your life and if someone is unwilling to become consistent for you and treat you like a priority then it’s time to leave that flakey biscuit in the oven. It’s holding you back, quite frankly. You can’t force someone to do so and I wouldn’t want you to feel like you have to force yourself to do so for someone. It may not be your guy’s time to shine and that’s okay. You may think that they are “your person” but I believe in being at different times of growth and removing yourself from a moment or a lifetime to put you or that person back together. Promise me to do that and I’ll promise you to do the same.
Continuing to allow yourself being put on the back burner or like you have to fight to be consistent in someone’s life is not fair to you. Someone who sees you for how special you are and the value you hold doesn’t require you to prove that to them. You are a prize no matter what, each person sees varied depth to that as we all hold different lenses to the depth and beauty in what is considered a prize to yourself. But you are one in your own beautiful, unique way. Think of it like this, when you were a kiddo at the fair (small town people you know what I’m talking about) you looked forward to playing those games with your friends and family when they took you because you couldn’t wait to look at the wall of stuffed animals, cotton candy, funnel cakes, swords, etc. I always wanted the fuzzy monkeys with the long arms but my brother always wanted a truck carnival toy of some kind. My brother and I wanted different things when we felt excitement after winning that very unfair carnival game. Gosh they make them impossible to win. This doesn’t mean that the long armed monkey or car held anymore value than the other, we were simply drawn to things that we held significance and a sense of beauty to.
Beauty is captured within the beholder
The people who you want in your life should be able to find that significance and beauty in you. No one that cares about you makes you feel like you have to prove your worthiness of becoming consistent in their life. You are that someone’s excitement. Don’t settle until you’ve found that.
Find Your Prize Within <3