The Grass Is Only Greener Where You Water It
You know the saying, the grass is greener on the other side? I say that’s bullshit. I’ll call it out. It’s a scape goat, where you drop what's in front of you instead of trying to fix it to start another thing that you will eventually leave and continue the cycle. Because you are scared of failure, you’re thinking about the future instead of what is happening presently.
“Courage Is Knowing What Not To Fear”
Grass Grows When It Is Watered
It is scientifically proven that grass grows when it is watered and cared for, right? I’m not just throwing crazy facts out here. Well think of it with relationships. Any type of relationship, whether that be friends, family, boyfriend/girlfriend, co-workers, the person you’re “talking” to. That relationship will fail if you don’t put effort into it and energy (the water). Just like grass, it doesn’t just become that lusciously, beautifully green right away when you plant it. Unless you get the fake stuff and just like life, fake isn’t genuine and it will gain you nothing in the long run. Anyways, like I said, the grass doesn’t just sprout overnight. It takes time to become what it is. It takes being cared for, even on those days when you don’t want to go out and mow the grass. It takes patience. It takes the willingness to put in the work. Who would’ve thought that I would be comparing grass to a relationship, I’m losing it.
Here’s another grass metaphor for ya. The grass is capable of staining you (compare this to getting hurt/going through the bumps with that person) but when it stains you it doesn’t mean that you should just give up and rip it all up. Shit that could be a very good thought at the time, but it won’t be worth it. Remember those stains and learn from them, find another way to avoid them and do it better next time. The coolest kiddos have the most grass stains on them anyway ;)
Don’t Compare Your Lawn
As you're driving back from work you notice a neatly mowed lawn with those mood easing lines. The flowers are all neatly planted and there’s not a leaf in site. Wow, I wish I had that lawn. You know what that lawn took though? Hard work. Whether that be themselves or it was paid for. If it was paid for, they won’t appreciate it as much but they could be watering other parts of their life, we don’t need to know that. What I’m getting at is just because their lawn looks flawless doesn’t mean that yours can’t either. Yes, it will not look the exact same but that’s life right? No lawn looks the same, no matter how hard you try. It’s okay to admire, but getting jealous and comparing isn’t going to make YOUR lawn grow. It can motivate you and give you ideas, but you’re the one who has to make the effort for YOUR own lawn. You’re the one with the watering can (unless you have a spectacular rainy/sunny summer).
Another take on this, your lawn could be the lawn that everyone admires. You are putting in the hard work but no one sees that, and you probably don’t see that either. Appreciate what is in front of you. Appreciate the effort you put in. Live presently or else you’re never going to be satisfied with you, you’re just going to be a miserable, overly competitive person.
Create Your Greenhouse
Water the parts of your life that you want to grow, it will be nearly impossible to try to juggle 50 lawns so focus in on what is important to you. Grow where you are wanted and feel wanted. Grow where you feel passion. Grow where you are loved and appreciated. Grow until you are overflowing with self-love.
Like I said in the beginning, if you keep leaving what you are fearful of, you will never overcome that fear. You have to face that fear head on and watch it grow where you didn’t think was possible. If you’re scared of commitment and being hurt, and you run away from everything that seems real and genuine, you will not find love. Your fear will come true. You need to water those fears and watch them blossom. Yes, sometimes things take longer to grow, and yes there will be trial and error on how you can grow the healthiest grass. But the lessons you will learn along the way will be so worth it, you will forget that you were ever fearful.
So, I challenge you to think about a fear. One will pop into your head. Now water it, nurture it, fight for it, take the chance and watch it grow.