Make Deposits Into Your Self Worth Account
If you’re like me…or a very recent’re like a mama hawk checking in on your babies (bank account). I swear I check it like I’m checking Facebook for a giggle from the middle aged women complaining about something. Whoops, did I say that? I’m no financial expert, I took the basic math classes in high school and college but I do know that 2+2=4 AND having more deposits than withdrawals into your bank account will get you on the right path of being financially stable. This is also a much more stress free mindset to be in. While in college I was balancing if I should be a rich bish and swing by Dunkin on my way to class, who I am kidding I went out of my way to go there. Constantly taking out those withdrawals to get temporary happiness felt okay at the time.. But after calculating how much I actually spent on that delicious, heaven sent drink…. I almost choked on my tongue.
I also wanted to share one of my go-to Dunkin drinks here. I reward myself once every two weeks now :)
Iced Oat Milk Latte w/pumpkin
So, pumpkin isn’t in season anymore :( but I am going to try Oat Milk Latte with a Christmas flavor instead.
How To Make Deposits
The reason why I shared that Dunkin story was for beneficial reasons. It was a drug, an addiction. Right? It was giving me no financial or nutritional gain. Although my mental health got a 20 minute boost. If you think of your self worth bank like a bank account you can visualize my comparison. If you keep withdrawing from that self worth bank, for external value reasons instead of adding to it from internal value and resources then you’re eventually going to have an overdraft bill. That bill won’t be like the one you get alerted from from your bank, it will be coming from you.You might not realize what the overdraft on your body looks like but your body will tell you by being run down, tired, agitated, low self esteem, not respecting yourself, lack of self love, etc. I also want to state that I’m not saying don’t go to Dunkin or other things that make you happy, I’m stating to not rely on those external resources, they can also get real expensive :)
What does making deposits into your self worth bank look like? Well, the criteria can and will look different for everyone. Find your self worth yellow :) I’ll list some common ones.
Adding exercise into your life. This could even be a 30 minute walk everyday. The chemicals that get released into your body during and after a sweat sesh have proven to benefit depression, anxiety, stress, health issues, etc. Meditation and yoga are some great practices to get into also :)
This could be adding positive self talk to your life. This looks like telling yourself that you’re doing a good job, looking at yourself in the mirror and talking to yourself (it’s weird at first but try it). When you look at yourself in that mirror, tell yourself what you want in life, what your strengths are, that you look like a hot mama, that you’re going to have a kick ass day. Just try it, I promise you that you’ll see a change in how you carry yourself if you do it every single day.
This could look like adding positive, driven people into your life. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. The people you surround yourself with, the environment you choose to be in, can and will affect you. No matter what you say or object to, it will. So, find those people that build you up, that support you and love you. Please, please remove yourself from those people that find joy in bringing the people they are closest to down. The awesome thing about being 18+ is you get to choose where you go, what job you want (most of the time), the people you spend time with, etc.
If It Were Easy, Everyone Would Do It
Self worth and self love isn’t just achieved overnight. It’s a constant work in progress, there will be a time where it’s easier to achieve and bounce back from when you’ve been withdrawing. It’s about changing those daily habits so you’re ensuring there’s enough “money” in the bank… or self worth within yourself :) It’s going to be hard. Oh it’s going to be so hard. There’s going to be times where you are HIGH on life. Where you are wanting to share with the whole world how you are feeling and you’re carrying yourself like you feel like a million bucks. Heck yeah you’re going to post that gym pic because LOOK AT MY HARD WORK. Or you’re going to want to help others achieve that same constant deposit in their account.
Then there’s going to be days where you feel like you took 5 steps back. Where you feel like all that hard work had been wiped away just by a single doubt that snowballed into an avalanche. Honey, I’m glad you’re feeling like this. Weird to say right? Why did I say that? I’m saying that because there’s lessons in this and you are your own mentor in this moment. What are you going to do to get back on track? You’ve done it before. You got yourself to that top of the mountain feeling. And guess what? You’re not going to let yourself get to this point again. Yes, there’s going to be low points again, but each time you have one you’re going to find out what you can do better and snap out of it faster so you can continue on that constant deposit. When you feel stuck, let yourself feel those feelings. Don’t try to be that Wonder woman or Superman. Talk to someone about it. Right it down. There is absolutely no weakness in admitting how you’re feeling. That’s freaking brave and powerful. Not many people are willing to admit when they are struggling or need help. That shows that you want better for yourself and you’re willing to try.
Please, Try This At Home
So, what I will leave you with is an activity. Oh FUN. An easy, 5 minute thing that I want you to do RIGHT NOW. I don’t care where you are or what you’re doing. If you’re at work take a dang bathroom break, your boss might think that you’re taking longer than normal but let them think of a reason of why you’re in there… and why you brought notebook paper. Interesting. Okay, I got sidetracked.
I want you to write down 2 deposits you can make into your account today.
I then want you to doodle a little weekly calendar, just a 7 day outlook. On each day write down 2-3 deposits you are going to make into your account each day. Switch them up, you can have duplicates on days. A deposit is a deposit. A $5 deposit is still a positive, no matter how many times you put that into the bank.
Follow through with them. Below is a example of one of mine I am following
Tell myself that Monday is my favorite day and to at least 2 people.
Work out for at least 30 minutes today (shoulders and back)
Go on a walk with Liv (my doggo)
Workout (legs)
Tell myself that I am worth and deserving of everything life has to offer me.
Give a stranger a compliment and then tell myself one
Workout (cardio and abs)
Go to therapy and let myself release
Workout (biceps and triceps)
Hang out with some friends that love me
Workout (tbd)
Hang out with some family and do something together
Read a good book
Workout (legs)
Read a book
Journal about ANYTHING
Tell myself 3 things I am proud of myself for
Find Your Yellow Babes <3