Give Today A Fair Chance Of Being Great
24 Hours, What Are You Going To Do With It?
When you come to the realization that we are all given 24 hours in a day, no matter who and where you are, that is a game changer. Donald Trump, Michelle Obama, Blake Lively, your next door neighbor, Steve Jobs, your hometown’s drunk all have the same 24 hours in a day. What makes these people so very different is how they valued and were aware of the opportunities they were given each and every day.
What did tomorrow do to you that you are already trying to get it over with? Life is too short and precious to wish the day or days away. Let’s say it’s Monday and you are already longing for Friday… for one you already set yourself up for a long week with that negative mindset. Two, you’re going to be so focused on the weekend that you are going to miss out on the beauty and opportunity that a weekday could hold. Our brains are already programmed to dismiss the weekdays, that they are nothing more than an 8-4 or 9-5 restricted work focus. Let’s switch that. I don’t want to live like a robot and wait for 2 days for 52 weeks. And then repeat. Find opportunity in each day. This will take a mindset change. This won’t be easy as this is a complete lifestyle switch.
The world is meant to be discovered. Seize your opportunities. Live in the now.
If you switch to a more opportunist mindset, just think of how much more pleasant you will be around. Positivity and encouragement is addicting, like a domino effect. If you start to change, others will follow. Change is easier if you have someone changing with you, right? Like starting at the gym, it’s easier and you’re held more accountable if there’s someone doing it with you. Your Monday will feel 10x better if your environment is ambitious and uplifting, rather than the instant longing for 5pm on Friday by you and everyone around you.
Tips & Tricks
Here’s some things that I have done and am currently trying to help with this change. Each morning say “I am open and receptive to all of the good and abundance the universe has to offer me.” You’re going to sound crazy at first talking to yourself, but get freaking comfortable with yourself. Become your biggest fan and support. Another thing I suggest is telling yourself that Monday is your favorite day and then tell another person. And then another. Then when it’s Tuesday, tell yourself that you’re going to make today better than yesterday. And then tell someone. And then another. Continue this. And you know what? Some days aren’t going to be better than yesterday. Acknowledge the defeat, even though it’s not a defeat. There are lessons to be learned during those challenging times. Lead by example, don’t do a do over of that challenging day. Repeating failure, the exact same way is on you. Failure is going to happen, yes. But reflecting on what failed and why it failed will you give you another test run for another way to go about it. The next day is another opportunity to be better than the last and learn from the past.
You know what, I’m going to go there. I’m going to say something that is going to make you feel guilty. It’s going to make you feel guilty for how you’ve been living. What if I told you that there are people who are only given so many days to live out their life and you’re wasting your unknown life on Earth by watching countless hours of Netflix or sulking each day hating life. You’re hating your 24 hours while others are wishing for more 24 hours. How does that feel? How does it feel when you look back and miss those people who no longer have those 24 hours? I miss my grandpa every single day, there isn’t a day that goes by that I wish we were back together playing tricks on the neighbor or hearing his voice call me Goofy when I open his front door. Even though I can’t see him today or tomorrow or any more days, I can remember him and use that leverage to live for him. To be grateful for every day that I’m living, I’m living for him and trying to be the best version of myself FOR him. Now, think about someone you miss. Do you want to live for them? Do you want to waste anymore time wishing for the day to be over or for tomorrow to come and go?
The best thing you can do for yourself is try. Try every single day. I’m not saying that you need to do something extraordinary every day. One day you can simply call your grandma that you haven’t talked to in awhile. One day you can have your friends over and make dinner for them. One day you can simply leave a thank you to the mailman who never misses your mailbox, blizzard or not. Find extraordinary in the ordinary. Every single day.
Great Life Events That Happened During The Week
Thursday, December 3rd, 1992- the first text message sent
Thursday, December 15, 1791- U.S. Bill Of Rights signed
Tuesday, January 2, 1968 - first successful human heart transplant performed
Tuesday, January 8, 1935 - Elvis Presley was born
Wednesday, September 14, 1814 - Francis Scott Key writes the Star Spangled Banner