Do yourself the biggest favor and be who you’re meant to be
For All Of Today I Will Be True To Myself & Others (or) Just For Today I Will Do My Work Honestly
The above title is one of the five Reiki principles, whichever one resonates with you most. You can even switch up the wording to best fit your life. In simple terms, Reiki is a type of energy healing that I have been drawn to for many years and have recently even been becoming certified through each level until I can confidently practice on myself and others!
Back to what this article is all about, did you realize that you’re doing yourself AND others around you a disservice if you’re living a dissatisfied life due to you not honoring your dreams and talents? Wow, that was powerful right? Let me put it this way, you know that feeling where you have gotten off your path… where you know in your heart that this is clearly not where you’re supposed to be going down. Now I’m not talking about taking chances that you’ve never done before, I’m talking about being on the completely wrong side of the road, like getting pulled over because you just shouldn’t be there kind of wrong path. But you know that feeling, it’s uneasy and uncomfortable. Where you aren’t being true to YOUR values, where you being content with what you have due to fear of making/not making choices because the dreams just seem a bit too big. The only person that is holding you back is yourself, you realize that?
Talk to yourself honestly, is this you?
The Scary Dreamer
I’m writing this because I’m talking to my damn self y’all. I am a dreamer. I have dreams that are bigger than this 5,000 person town. I have dreams bigger than Des Moines. I have dreams that seem to only be attainable during my 5 hours of sleep I get a night. I’m crazy I know. I want so much for myself and never pictured to be where I am right now. I’m in no way saying that I live a horrible life, I live a great one. The co-workers, friends, family and opportunities I have in my life is absolutely amazing to think about. But, I know that I would be the biggest liar if I said that I’m genuinely happy. Yes, I always have a smile on my face and I sound like a self-help book when I talk… the longing I have in my heart every single day is there though. The longing to explore, to see my friends while being so far away, wanting to do more with the skills that I have and the skills that I want to obtain, I miss my spunky, goofy self… I have caught myself crying more times that I can count because of this longing. I feel like I’m just going through the motions of the day, I’ve never wanted that for myself. Guess who can change that? Me. Me. Me. Me. I can’t blame anyone or be mad at the world because y’all if you’re as lost and feeling stuck as I am then let’s toast and tell ourselves to snap out of it and be more honest with ourselves. This isn’t a life sentence disservice that we are doing to ourselves though, there’s never a “it’s too late” in this world. Turn it around, turn it around for yourself.
Dream so damn big.
What if Rosa Parks didn’t stay seated while on that bus due to fear? What if Neil Armstrong thought he was too old at age 38 to become the first person to set foot on the moon? What if Jane Taylor (age 23 at the time) was fearful that people would laugh at her for writing the poem “Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star?” What if “Satchel” Paige (age 59 at the time) didn’t think he was athletic enough in his youth.. he would never become the oldest Major League baseball player? What if Bill Painter (81 at the time) listened to critics on his age and didn’t become the oldest person to reach the 14,411 foot summit of Mt. Rainer?
Fear can be very positively motivating and help you achieve goals but it also can be detrimental if you let fear put a stop to those goals.
Not one person on this planet is the same. We aren’t meant to be. If we were all the same person and had the same mind, there would be no advancements or technology in this world. Shit we would all still be banging our heads with sticks in a cave if that were the case.
What is your purpose?
Ask yourself this question, “What is the impact you want to make?” The Universe has great things in store for you, those dreams you have are the wants of the Universe for you to do great things. Act on them. Prove people wrong. Make them jump out of their damn pants because you scare the living poo out of them with your ideas. Get called crazy. They call you crazy because you want more for yourself and this world and your ideas are something out of the norm for them. That’s okay. I’m telling you that whatever dream/s you have for yourself and this world could leave an impact, but only if you let it. Dreams aren’t just created overnight, they build overtime as you get more excited and expand those thoughts in your head. Don’t let them stay dreams though. Write them down. It’s proven that if you write down your ideas (AND affirmations- do this it will be incredible for your self esteem) and put them up where you see them everyday you are more likely to manifest them into reality.
Now I’m not telling you to go out and solve world hunger, I mean yes that would be wonderful but don’t stress yourself out that you need to have your name in headlines and in National Geographic. Your impact in this world could literally be as simple as being the kindest person in town or the person who impacted everyone with a joke. There’s no measure on how impactful someone is, just be you and do a damn fine job at it.
Watch your dreams become something impactful ladies and gents. You owe it to yourself.
What are you going to do to impact this world? No matter how big or small.
Honor your yellow <3