Your Twenty’s Are Freaking Awkward
It is hard as a young adult living in a social media-influencer world. I don’t even have Tik-Tok and I feel the constant pressures of the internet telling me how far behind I am of those older, my age and even those who are still planning locker located hugs with their pre-teen loves in between classes. I mean for the love of peanut butter sandwiches, how is it fair that a 12-year-old skipped the feather in the hair, gaucho wearing and bump-it fads? Just kidding, I wouldn’t trade those days for anything.
At this age, our childhood pals, high school classmates and forever college friends are posting their accomplishments. Whether that be their pregnancy announcement, those who post the ring that was given to them by the love of their life who wants to spend forever with them or those who show off their well-deserved degree. We always tell ourselves not to compare as it isn’t worth it…blah blah blah. But how many of us take that advice when we really need it? I certain as shit don’t do that even when I preach it. Hypocrite? Not exactly. I think being aware of when you’re doing it and why you are is important. Reevaluate your thoughts before holding shame and self-doubt about where you are.
Anyways, all of us are moving at different speeds and switching lanes when we want and/or need. Switching lanes may feel like failure, whether this lane change means trying a new career that is polar opposites from your degree or moving out of your hometown. I saw something the other day where a guy called being in your 20’s as the “workshop phase.” Where you are going to try 5-10 different jobs that probably has nothing to do with each other and maybe not even your degree. We were subconsciously promised a kick-ass job that follows after graduation and this most likely didn’t happen. We have been taught that in order to succeed you need to get an A even if you didn’t entirely grasp the material of those countless crammed hours. We were told to glorify the one who juggles work, social and school even if it meant an overworked, burnt out lifestyle. We were told that resources are there but the month (s) wait say otherwise when in a crisis. What we weren’t taught is that when we do fail, and we will, is to realize we aren’t failures.
At this point in your life you may be hundreds of miles away from those closest to you. You will find yourself missing those who you never thought would be miles away. That ache is real and it is lonely. Some will move back to their hometown after graduation, move across the country or move a town(s) over. We took for granted those spontaneous 20 minute or less trips which have now turned into planned expensive plane tickets. While you are going to make awesome, new friendships wherever you make home, uprooting yourself from those who make you feel at home is something that no one prepares you for. Now, thank god for the time that we live in as FaceTime and other various communication apps make us feel connected to those far away. If you are like me, you know that those once daily conversations where you know those special, little details of that person’s daily life has now turned into random FaceTimes and text messages spotlighting only the highs and lows. We miss the in between things. We feel disconnected to those in a way we never thought would happen. Your love didn’t change for them and vice versa. My advice to you is to send those messages when you are thinking of them, book those tickets when you can, make the drive and never forget how awesome your friendship is with them. Realize that we are all trying to navigate this crazy adult world.
My challenge to you is to look out for yourself, to have a conversation with yourself and ask what YOU really want rather than what is expected of you. Be selfish. You graduated and you took a job that makes you want to kick bricks? That is okay, try again. A job is simply a job. You moved away a year ago and now you want to try somewhere else? Awesome, you took a giant leap and I’m so proud of you. The 20’s are about figuring yourself out. You will face your demons and you will experience some incredible moments. You are doing fabulous things and I want you to know that. I want myself to know that. Celebrate your friends victories and be there during their lows. You will find the truest, best life for you. Until then, give yourself a hug and keep trying.
Please reach out to me if you need anything.
Find Peace In The Awkward <3