Love, Me
As humans we are chemically made to give love to those around us, however we do in varying quantities and ways. But, who loves the giver? The one who gives so much he/she is burnt out and can’t love effectively. The one who realizes their tank is on E and is frustrated with this feeling and this spirals into shame. Shame that isolates and debilitates their heart to the point where it goes through periods of dull instead of the light that carries others. So, if you weren’t told you were loved today or you aren’t feeling loved.. if you weren’t listened to or you aren’t feeling heard…if you weren’t appreciated today or you aren’t feeling seen.. here’s my letter to you.
This is for you, love
Hi there <3
I appreciate everything you are and the good you are striving to be. Don’t be too hard on yourself. Simply showing up to life each and every day with the idea that you want to be better than you were 5 years ago, 1 year ago or yesterday makes you better already. You don’t realize the impact you have on others and the constant comparing is not doing you or anyone any good. That worry that you have about someone else is halting who you are. What fun would life be if we were the same body weight, height, color, singer, dancer and person? God Tik Tok would never make it if individual creativity was extinct.
Your knowledge about vehicles and how to fix them when they’re sick makes you a doctor. Your ability to make anyone comfortable when you walk into a room makes you someones ease of comfort. Your goofy humor and showcasing that in a conversation, video, presentation made someone smile and that smile made them forget, even for a split second, the pain that is lingering in the back of their mind.
We are all going to have bad days. Those days where it’s crippling to do daily tasks, when life gets too much and we get lost in our thoughts about who we even are as a person. That’s okay. Let yourself feel and try to understand where this lostness is coming from. And if you can’t, don’t get discouraged. Tomorrow is a new day. You don’t owe anyone or are letting anyone down by not being your full self today. Listen to your body and mind, what do you need?
My advice to you is to find those who will hear, see and love you. Those who will set their phone down when you’re talking about something important to you (even if it’s not to them). Those who will subconsciously see you when you’re proud of yourself and heighten that pride and see you when you can’t seem to see yourself. Those who will love you unconditionally, when you don’t feel like you have to constantly prove that you are worthy. They should see that. Those who will take time to learn about you and how you love. Also, find those who will work on hearing, seeing and loving you better.
You inspire me to want to find the words to help you acknowledge and strike a cord with how you’re feeling. I want you to love yourself enough to want to take care of yourself. I want you to keep a balanced tank and know when you need to fill up that empty tank before you run out. Loving who you are will aid in loving others as we are aware of what feeling loved feels like.
I hear you. I see you. I love you.
I hear you in the sense that I know that whatever you have to say is important because it’s how you’re feeling. I hear you when your voice can’t seem to work.
I see you when you are silently struggling underneath all of the roles you possess in your life. I see you when you are proud of the body you are working hard on.
I love you because I know you are doing the best you can. I love you because we are all simply human beings and no title, color, gender, vaccination status, political stance will come in the way of that.
Love, Me
Find Your Yellow <3 (I took a little break but I never stopped)