It’s Okay To Be You
Hi there, you beautiful and incredible human.
I’m here to tell you that it’s okay to be skeptical. It’s okay to wait until you’re ready. It’s okay to protect your heart. It’s okay to put what you value & believe in to stay true to yourself in front of the potential “perfect” human that seems to be right in front of you.
Vulnerability is one of the most incredible things someone can give you
You are the key to the door on who you want in your life & who gets to see the most vulnerable parts of you. You don’t have to show it all on the first date. I want to make a point here. “Showing it all on the first date” can mean many different things for different people. What one person values most in life another holds it with different priority. Waiting until marriage to have sex is very important to some, it doesn’t make them any more or less special but it is what is most valuable to them. Waiting until the third date can mean something to someone just as much. We all hold different wants and needs. How we receive and give love is what makes us individuals, whether we show comfortableness around someone by sharing your deepest “baggage” on the first, second or fifth date OR if we show we are most comfortable with someone by taking them to meet your parents within the same month you met them or six months down the line. It’s okay to go at your own pace (I mean sometimes we need a lil push haha)
Your body, mind, vulnerability and time should be special to you but to them as well. You shouldn’t have to be exhausting yourself to prove that you are worthy of that. If you are, then you may need to reflect if this is even what you truly want to attain. If they don’t see how special you are or want to, that’s okay. YOU HAVEN’T FOUND THAT PERSON AND IT SAYS NOTHING ABOUT YOU. Just like everything in this world we see beauty differently. I find beauty in a sunrise, a book & mountains. Others would look at a mountain & order an Uber to the closest beach (or curse their friend for making them hike it). I find skiing like one of the absolute worst things I could do with my free time but THAT’S OKAY. Some live and breath skiing. There is no superior hobby or a common “most beautiful thing.” Beauty is within the eye of the beholder. Okay, I take it back.. I think we can all agree that Ryan Gosling is the most beautiful thing.
I want you to feel like one of the “most beautiful things” though, and not even just physically. You are beautiful when your dimples appear after blushing. You are beautiful when you sing out of tune to your favorite song in the car with the windows down. You are beautiful when the long day finally closes and you’re doing everything you can to just make it inside the house, you survived the day. You are beautiful for opening up your heart when it can be one of the most scariest things to do. You are simply beautiful just because of who you are. You’re a light & someone’s favorite part of their day, whether that be a romantic partner or you telling someone they look pretty today.
I get on tangents sometimes and stray away from my original idea :) I just felt like I needed to reassure you that a person who wants & is willing to wait for you to be ready is out there. Whatever you may be healing from, put value into your wounds & turn it into security within yourself. Not just anyone is worthy & it’s up to you to decide who gets to see you.
Find Your Yellow Honey Buns <3