
It’s been a hot minute. I needed to take a break from writing, which in reality hurt me, as I was feeling guilty for not taking the advice I was projecting out to the world. It’s been a difficult seven months of not expressing myself through my fingertips. But, here I begin again.

I think we have all been there, where you can give the most upstanding advice to your friends or even a complete stranger when those things are absent in your life. Or maybe they aren’t even absent but presently giving you pain. I had a conversation with a good friend the other night about why we can give perfect advice that we can’t take ourselves. Is this hypocritical? Is it because we don’t want to put in the work? Or, is it possible that we don’t believe that we are worthy of that advice to make our own lives fuller, better and more loving?

Watching your friend that you love so dearly grieve over the constant let downs from their partner and the bruises, whether they be internal or external is heart-wrenching to experience. Your comments telling them that this pain is not a feeling that they no longer have to endure as the joyous person they once were has been dulled is justified. Your love for them in undeniable, but why is it okay for you to feel that same pain from your own partner, another friend or boss? Why are you not projecting this realization into your own life? Knowing that your friend would be able to breath better in the world without that darkness should be your motivation to breath again too.

Believe that you deserve to live a life free of constraints of others and society. Supporting your friend to break away from their or societal comfort spot, whether that be location, job, gender or lifestyle, should be your wake up call to support your own genuine comfort.

Shit I am not going to sugar coat anything, I am not perfect. I could be sounding like a dumb ass right now but I am speaking the truth I believe. These past seven months have been a huge learning chapter for me and will be in the future months that I am fortunate to live. I am learning to say no, I am learning to be more me, I am learning about things that I genuinely care for and things that I don’t want to waste my precious time on. Learning to be selfish with your worth, time and energy is hard. Breaking away from old habits and patterns is no walk in the park. Take it day by day with your changes, the smallest improvements will make the biggest impacts :)

Whenever you are giving advice or thinking about your dreams, ask yourself if you are doing anything about it to meet that same advice or dreams. If you’re able to tell someone what they deserve then you’re able to tell yourself that same thing.

Show yourself the same love you’re giving to a stranger. Show yourself the same compassion when someone makes a mistake. Show yourself the same belief you give to someone during a conversation about their future.

Believe that you are one in a million.

Believe in your yellow <3


To All The Boys (I Thought) I Loved Before


An Apology To Myself